Our giant schnauzers are indeed one of the members of our family. While it’s tempting to give them the same food that we eat, some human foods are harmful and may cause unwanted effects on their health. So before you share your furry friend anything from the table, what are the foods that are completely dangerous for them?

  1. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate. 

It’s a known fact that chocolates are harmful to dogs. Dark chocolates are more damaging because it contains high amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is considered a toxin to dogs and they may show symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort and worse, irregular heartbeat and even death. Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks are as harmful as chocolates so, avoid giving it as well.

  1. Grapes and Raisins.

Grapes and raisins may cause kidney failure in dogs, even if you give it in small amounts. Vomiting and diarrhea are early signs after 12 hours of ingesting it, leading to dehydration and, eventually, kidney failure.

  1. Alcohol.

Alcohol is poisonous to dogs because it may lead to their organ’s failure to function, coma, and death. Bring your pet immediately to the vet if you suspect alcohol ingestion.

  1. Milk and dairy products.

Milk can make your giant schnauzer’s stomach upset after ingesting milk, dairy, or any milk-based products because they cannot produce an enzyme called lactase that can breakdown milk. Additionally, they may also have food allergies that could cause them to itch.

  1. Onions and Garlic

Whether raw or powdered, onions and garlic are considered toxic to giant schnauzers. It may cause digestive problems and damage to red blood cells leading to anemia. If you suspected that your pet had ingested a lot, call your vet because dogs that ate large amounts of onions or garlic could poison them.  

  1. Xylitol

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener used in candies, gum, toothpaste and diet foods. Xylitol is harmful to dogs because once your dog ingested it, their blood sugar will drop significantly, and your dogs will show signs of coordination problems and lethargy.

  1. Raw meat, bones and fish

Raw meat and fish contain bacteria called Salmonella and E. coli that are harmful to dogs and humans. Feeding your giant schnauzer bones and fish is not a good idea because of the risk of getting them choked on raw bones. It could puncture their intestines once they ingested it. 

Knowing these foods will give you an idea of what to give and not give to your giant schnauzers. It’s essential to know the toxic effects so that you can avoid any life-threatening outcomes that your dog will experience in the future. 


credits: aspca