First off, Let’s SHAPE the idea of Fetch

First, you want to choose a toy that your giant schnauzer is willing to put in his mouth. Some giant schnauzers have a preference for plush toys while others like balls. After they learn the behavior, you will be able to ask him/her to retrieve anything.

For the purpose of teaching, we will use the case in which your giant schnauzer has no interest in playing with toys.

  • Place the toy on the ground. Initially, you will mark any sort of interaction with the toy. This may be your giant schnauzer just looking at the toy. When we talk about marking, we are referring to using a clicker or specific word to mark the exact behavior you want and rewarding afterward with a treat. So, you will wait for your dog to look at the toy. As soon as he does, click (or use maker word) and reward. Make sure to use a special treat your dog will love.
  • Do this until your giant schnauzer is reliably looking at the toy for a reward. Once he has this down, it’s time to ask them to do something else with the toy. He’s probably getting frustrated that his treat is not forthcoming. Most giant schnauzers at this stage will nose the toy or touch the toy with their paw. When this happens, mark it and reward. This is now what you require before he’s rewarded.
  • Hold the toy in your hand and place it near his face. If he wasn’t previously touching his nose to the toy, this is when you will require it. Wait until the giant schnauzer sniffs the toy and then mark and reward.
  • Progress from here. Again, once your dog is nose touching the toy, hold out on the reward. Your dog will then get frustrated and try and mouth the toy. Immediately mark and reward this.
  • Put the toy back on the ground in front of you. Ask him to pick the toy up and then place your hand under the toy and mark and reward when he places it in your hand. Now you want him to understand that he should retrieve the toy and bring it to you even if you’re further away.
  • Take a step back and ask your giant schnauzer to bring the toy to you. Encourage him and be sure to reward him when he does so. Next time, move two steps back, still encouraging him and acting excited when he moves towards you. Instantly reward him again.
  • Increase the distance gradually while maintaining your requirements for getting the reward. Eventually, your dog will be willing to pick up anything you ask and place it in your hand for his reward.

The main goal of this exercise is to show your giant schnauzer that fun comes from playing with you with the toy – no matter what type of toy!

Get four or five toys that your giant schnauzer enjoys playing with and set them in a circle.  Outside, in a fenced area is best for this. But if you don’t have access to an enclosed outside area, a large indoor space will work too.

Start playing with one of the toys with your giant schnauzer. Act very excited, like this is the best game in the world.  When your giant schnauzer is really into the play, take off running to the next toy.

If your giant schnauzer follows you, start playing with the new toy with him, again remembering to be super excited. If your dog is still playing with the first toy, play with the new toy by yourself.  This is when it is really important to act like you are having the best time playing with this toy.

Eventually, your giant schnauzer will want to join in the fun and come over to you and the new toy. Continue this exercise, running from toy to toy. If you do this exercise a couple times a week, your giant schnauzer will learn that you bring the fun and not the toy!

WATCH our YouTube video of what this little trick can lead to!!!  CLICK THE LINK TO WATCH

