Weight: 95 lbs.
Height: –
Coat: Hard (Wire Blend)
A strong-willed, fearless male with an immaculate structure and build. He is an Alpha male and the ultimate protector for property, family, and children. With lines coming from Cethuz, Argentina and Skansen Kennels, this boy is a BEAST. Beautiful temperament and spot on to the breed characteristics. This boy is true and faithfully loyal to his pack and wary of any outsiders without introduction. His highest priority is to protect his family. Garvey is a level 2 protection dog working towards Level 3. His athleticism and wit never cease to amaze us.
Weight: 75 lbs (& growing)
Height: –
Coat: Soft
A young male with a big heart! This boy is learning all he can at a rapid pace. With K9 Garvey as his Alpha role model, BlaQ is shaping into a marvelous K9 Protege. His intelligence is remarkable and attention to body language and hand commands is a pleasure to work with. His impressive Russian pedigree includes the notorious lines of “Gently Born”. At 8 months, he is not done growing and currently going through his Giant Schnauzer LANKY phase. BlaQ is a CGC level obedience dog.
Weight: 80 lbs.
Height: –
Coat: Soft
Queen Sheba is a fearless bitch. She has a big heart and bigger bark. A true Giant Schnauzer female protector. She has not achieved K9 status, but is very willing and excited to bite on command. We love our Queen Shebas’ size and beauty. Her pedigree includes the lines of Russia’s “Gently Born” Kennel. She is a our natural beauty without a crop. She’s attentive, protective, and 100% loyal to her masters. Temperament, Coat, and Trainability all in one.
Weight: 82 lbs.
Height: –
Coat: Hard Wire
Fancy is our special girl. The friendlist Giant Schnauzer bitch you could ever meet. Her greetings are always announced with a stand offish (Who are you?) bark and reinforced with a friendly hello and lick! Fancy was adopted from a family and brought into our Royal Giant family. Her work ethic is astonishing and we LOVE her willingness to please. Fancy in a nutshell: highly committed, athletic, and full of energy. Fancy is a CGC obedience level dog
Weight: Still Growing
Height: –
Coat: Hard
Venus is our Gently Born Russian Import Female. She is our show girl and is still growing. Coming from an impressive line of champions, our Venus is expected to do great things in the show ring and produce outstanding puppies in the future!
Stay tuned.